Architecture of the 1960s and 1970s in the Czech Republic
A specialist book and a critical catalogue for the exhibition The Best of Architecture of the 1960s and 1970s in the Czech Republic have just been published. The two volumes, which summarise the results of the five-year project Analysis and Presentation of the Values of Modern Architecture of the 1960s and 1970s as Part of the National and Cultural Identity of the Czech Republic, present selected buildings in terms of their architectural, structural and typological design. In addition to representative atypical buildings with progressive construction technologies and exceptional material solutions, typical projects and realisations of everyday life are also presented; of course, the common relationship between art and architecture in the period and the international context are also mentioned.
Events: publications
Editor. Arch. Renata Vrábelová, Ph.D., co-author Ing. arch. Jiří Moos