Famous villas of Prague 6 - Hanspaulka
The publishing house Foibos Books specializes in the promotion of architectural heritage through publications and exhibitions. Their latest venture in the edition of Famous Villas was the villa district of Haunspalka in Prague. Hanspaulka is a place where you can find many interesting architectural buildings and, thanks to its location, it has also become the residence of many famous personalities. The publication presents a selection of important villas from a previously unpublished great enclave of residential housing. Its release is preceded by an exhibition in the Glass Palace in Dejvice, where you will discover the history, architecture and, last but not least, the fates of the residents of individual villas, whether from the past or the present. During the opening of the exhibition on September 30, from 5 p.m., there will be an autograph session by the authors and it will be possible to purchase the book at the same time.
Action: publication, exhibition
Address: náměstí Svobody, Prague
When: 1 September - 30 September 2020
Editor: Prog. Ing. arch. Petr Urlich, co-author Ing. architect Jiří Moos
Info: https://www.praha6.cz/akce/slavne-vily-hanspaulky-ve-sklenenem-palaci-2020-09-01