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Reconstruction and completion of the cinema in Česká Kamenice

The reconstruction and completion of the cinema in Česká Kamenice aims to create clearly defined spaces within the complex. Plans include demolishing inappropriate buildings and the section where the sanitary facilities are located. In its place, an intimate patio will be created, connecting directly to the hall. Removing the sanitary facilities will also free up part of the garden and allow for a direct connection to the café. The central outdoor space, known as the courtyard, will be defined by the cinema building, neighboring houses, and a proposed extension. The architectural changes to the building will be minimal, focused on functional solutions such as roofing over entrances, dormers for lighting, and new window openings. The design of the extension will be based on a contemporary architectural language, while still being in harmony with the surrounding buildings. Additionally, the original beige color scheme and traditional ceramic roofing will be reintroduced to the building's appearance. The cinema garden will be divided into three sub-spaces, including a paved summer garden.

Client: the town of Česká Kamenice
Address: Palackého, Tovární, Česká Kamenice
Competition: 05/2019
Project status: completed
Author: starý | moos architekti

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